we were to copy this villain, it wouldn’t be too hard for us.
face is completely white with outlined black eyes and eyebrows meaning that the
makeup won’t be hard to copy.
However, the only person in our group that could copy this character would be Chloe because of Chloe’s ethnicity. Also Chloe has very long black hair, and the rest of us do not have this.
Unfortunately, Chloe refuses to act in our final piece as she does not want to embarrass herself, but this villain doesn’t show their face and the only movements this villain makes is crawling around the floor, so it wouldn’t be hard to act, and Chloe wouldn’t have to show her face at all.
However, the only person in our group that could copy this character would be Chloe because of Chloe’s ethnicity. Also Chloe has very long black hair, and the rest of us do not have this.
Unfortunately, Chloe refuses to act in our final piece as she does not want to embarrass herself, but this villain doesn’t show their face and the only movements this villain makes is crawling around the floor, so it wouldn’t be hard to act, and Chloe wouldn’t have to show her face at all.
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