- Within this clip there is a lot of parallel non diegetic sound. For example, when the male is holding Madeline over the edge of the staircase by her neck, the music is low notes, slow and solemn. This adds to the effect of the scene as it builds tension and suspense.
- There is also a lot of dialogue in this scene. Although we do not plan on using dialogue in our film opening, it is very effective as you can hear the characters thoughts as opposed to just seeing how they act.
- We also hear sound effects such as Madeline struggling for air and gasping. As she falls down the stairs we hear her bones breaking and crunching. This adds to the realism of the clip as this is what would happen in real life.
- When Madeline is being held over the top of the stairs there are mainly high angle shots to show that she is in a very vulnerable position. This is a matter of line and death for her so she must therefore play it safe.
- As she falls down the stairs, the angles change between mid shots and close up shots to display how fast she is falling and her bones breaking.
- The camera movement in this scene is very quick so it follows her down the stairs. The again, adds to the reality of the clip to portray just how fast she is actually falling.
- The editing techniques are very similar throughout the entire clip. For example, as Madeline falls down the stairs, there are a series of fast straight cuts in order to build suspense and speed. The audience react to this causing them to be shocked and somewhat empathetic towards her.
From this, I think we could use the fast straight cut editing technique, as well as the parallel non diegetic sounds. In addition to this, I also think that having high and low angle shots could show power and vulnerability within our opening sequence.
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