Rebecca Douglas 8052
Chloe Kwok 8115
Abbie Morris 8155
Georgia Moore 8154

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Independent studies: Diegetic Sound inspirations and research

During filming it may be easier to record sounds separately and then edit them over the footage so that the sounds are clearer and therefore have a bigger impact in the scene. To do this it could be a good idea to look at alternative ways of making sounds because it may be difficult and impractical to use the actual objects. For example, the sound of a saw:
can be made just a clearly by dragging my hand back and forward across the speaker of a device such as an iStation/iDock or stereo. These are appliances found in most homes and so it is easier to record and make the sounds. 

As our genre is a horror, we will need to make gruesome sounds without actually hurting anyone. An easy way to make a bone cracking noise like this:

Would be to use an empty plastic bottle, something cheap and easy to find. Or, we could use cut shells and crack them into the microphones or use twigs to find out what works best.

Some sounds are dangerous to make, like smashing glass because it can be messy and is unsafe to handle. To get around this issue, we could use musical chimes and a small empty glass bottle (like those given on planes) and push the bottle against the chimes. This won't smash the glass but will give the sound effect. 
To make a stabbing sound things like pumpkins can be stabbed with a knife because the sound of the  flesh and skin of the pumpkin replicates that of a human 

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