Rebecca Douglas 8052
Chloe Kwok 8115
Abbie Morris 8155
Georgia Moore 8154

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Main Girl Character Costume

We have decided that the female lead had to be in her youthful years so that it would match with our target audience, and make this opening sequence more appealing to our target audience.

  •  These are the boots that she is going to wear. 
  • It is appropriate to wear these, because it is clearly a young type of clothing which you would see girls of around 15-25 years wear. 
  • This would represent her own age group and gender well.

  • This will be the jacket/top that she will be wearing. 
  • This is very young and urban, which would match with the urban location that we have picked (car park).
  • The colours are very vibrant, which reflects on her age, as people around the character's age tend to wear very bright coloured clothes.
Both of these clothing items, will be accompanied with a pair of jeans which is once again a very modern piece of clothing which would match with the rest of the clothing.

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