While searching for demonic symbols, I found a few demon sigils, and decided to include them on here, I looked at one of the demons on this list called Adnachiel: the hunter demon.
Adnachiel: The hunter demon.

He is extremely efficient, and very cunning. He often uses charm to get people to do what he wants before he kills them. He has a particular soft spot towards young children and animals, as these are very vulnerable and innocent and easy to possess. Also young children appear very cute and innocent and can easily charm adults into quieter places so he can kill them.
The Sigil of Baphomet:

The symbol at the top of the image is called the de Guaita image, and was created by a man who was an Occult member. As you can see it has the names, "Adam" and "Eve" written inside it and it is described in the book as a "White-light symbol of man."
it also incorporates the star of David within it.
However orientated in a different direction, it becomes a symbol of iniquity, perdition and blasphemy, (to quote De Guaita)
The two star points in the air become this goat threatening heaven, and many aren't entirely sure where this images came from, and this image was printed onto the front of the Satanic Bible, and this began the Satanic religion.
This goat also depicts the devil in many tarot readings, and this symbol has been around since the 13th Century.
The Satanic Cross:
This is the sign for Sulfur in Alchemy, which is often linked to the Devil in the way that Hell is made of lots of volcanoes and fires and sulfur attributes to the putrid environments of burning flesh and disease causing fungi.
This symbol was placed above the Nine Satanic Statements and is used in rituals performed by Theistic Satanists.
Sulfur and Mercury are considered to be the parents of all metals.
If a person was supposed to be a vampire, then this symbol was put on their gravestone after they had died to ensure that they would stay in the underworld and never rise into the living world again. But that was just a suspicion from a very long time ago.
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