Rebecca Douglas 8052
Chloe Kwok 8115
Abbie Morris 8155
Georgia Moore 8154

Thursday, 5 December 2013

Practical- Lair in the location

I completely misjudged how many bed sheets we would need to make the lair look real as though someone actually slept there. On review, our group has decided we will buy more sheets and make them dirtier.
As well as this, we want to use more drawings and demonic symbol so each member of the group will create 20 each as we think this will be enough to cover all of the walls. We want it to look like all of the paper is clustered and overlapping so that the whole wall is paper.
I was impressed with the dolls and teddies as i think these look effective, but it could be good if we made more of these. I need to use chalk for the walls and also we could arrange the candles in a demonic symbol as this would look more effective.
Overall. the trip was successful because it helped to see that there were changes that needed to be made, it helped me to realise that the space was bigger than what we originally thought. Having done this, i think the lair will look much better when we actually do it for the film.

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