Rebecca Douglas 8052
Chloe Kwok 8115
Abbie Morris 8155
Georgia Moore 8154

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Practical task: Photoshop typography

For my practical task I decided to look at possible ways of creating creepy looking typography to use in our final piece.

Made the screen black using the full background tool 

Then I actually needed a word to write so I chose the word horror.

Using this tool smeared the letters to the left and made it look like the wind had blown the paint across the letters while they were drying and this gives it a smudged sideways effect 

I then had to rotate the picture 90 degrees and do the same effect again in order to smear it not only from the left to the right but also to smear it from bottom to top to give it that overall creepy effect

I took the product as it was and I inverted the colours and used the tool on the rift to make the edges glow more to give it an eerie effect. It also made it look much bolder

I'm not entirely sure whether we're going to keep the words black, we may invert the colours back for our final piece as the white is very bright 
However this looks much more effective because the black writing on a white background makes the individual smear lines stand out and makes it look like a fuzzy camera effect, and overall makes it much more creepy to look at, which matches our genre of a supernatural horror 

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