Rebecca Douglas 8052
Chloe Kwok 8115
Abbie Morris 8155
Georgia Moore 8154

Friday, 11 October 2013

Deconstruction: Homemade production companies.

A Day in the Life of a Nerd:

This is a scene from a game called, "Minecraft" which is usually associated with Nerds so it relates to the title. This game is based around placing square blocks onto a plain surface and making a world out of it. 
They filmed this using a video streamer, which records what is happening on your screen as you are doing it, it is mainly used to stream videos straight to Youtube as you are playing, and is also used on sites such as (streaming website for gaming) 

At this point he is flying above a small hole and he stops flying and falls down through the hole. 

This is the name of their Production Company, as you can see it's written in a normal font, and they haven't created their own. The font they've chosen looks like a childish, easy to read font, which relates to gaming as most games use this font in their introduction guides etc. 
As you can see in the background they have E5Y which are the initials for their Production Company, and they'e made it in a very nerdy game which relates to their title. 

The font they use here is much better and it relates to the game as it is made out of tiny blocks, and you can download fonts like these or make them yourself. Personally I think this font is much better than the  font they used in the image above as it relates to the game and the title. 


This is a video in the background of a Production company, and they filmed ink running down a page, which they uploaded onto a computer and reversed the footage so it was playing backwards and the ink was running up the page instead of down it.

As the ink runs up the page, the words run down the page from the top, this is really simply done on editing software but is very effective because it easily blends with the ink running up the page, as it looks like the letters are replacing the ink. 

However, I think that as the text all falls in, the screen behind it goes black and the words go white. I personally think this ruins it because you see that the font was unprofessional and not made, and the beginning was very effective and then it just fades into black and white. 

This is still effective because it relates to the title and it has a clever play on the word "Inc." 

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